Sunday, January 30, 2011

Plethora of True Expression

[Poem I made from the three select words I picked out from my description of poetry.  Those being:
Enjoy!  Due 1/31/11]

Release the mind tension
and commence with the poetry lesson
for aggression will distort the vision
through which one’s obsession
for words without limitation
assembles a lyrical creation
of pure self expression.

The stanzas reflect you,
a mirror of the writer who
inscribes their ideas to
and for those that do
not wish their minds subdued.
Use your pen to put into view
that which is undoubtedly true.

Choose words wisely from the plethora.
Remember always that you’re a
poet who will forever strive for a
deeper message to be written or a
special idea to strike the core of
something new and fresh more of
the people will never get bored of.

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