Wednesday, March 23, 2011


"Deity" is the title of the first novel concept I ever developed.

It's a story about a universe similar to our own where the entities of Creation/Life and Destruction/Death are constantly in a stalemate with each other. 

At the beginning of time, Life manages to gain the upper hand over Death (since I haven't came up with my own coined names for these beings within my story, I will refer to them as Life and Death for the sake of simplicity).  From this instant, Life took the opportunity to bring into existence the universe as the characters in my novel know it.  Life's ultimate goal was to create a paradise for all living creatures to populate and enjoy. 

However, Death would not be in submission for long.  Not having enough time to finish creating the paradise, Life sealed away a well containing it's very own essence within the Earth (for lack of my own coined name for the world my story takes place in).  This well would emerge from the Earth in the distant future and, when tapped by Life's chosen one, would bestow upon them the power to finish creating the paradise.

Death knew very well what Life was up to, and tainted the well with its own essence before resuming its eternal battle with Life.  Now, should Death's chosen one tap the power of the well, it would bestow upon them enough power to reduce the universe back to its original state of nothing.

My story is about the two chosen ones, Matthias and Damien, and their race to tap the Well of Power (another corny name for the sake of simplicity).  There is also a third main character whom I haven't decided if they would be a man or woman yet.  If it's a man their name would be Constantine, and if a woman, their name would be Constance.  This third pillar is the dictator of the most powerful nation present within the novel, and they are seeking a way of harnessing both the powers of Life and Death at the same time for their own selfish purposes.

The novel would be timeless and filled with all kinds of locations from third-world fishing villages, to giant technologically advanced cities.  There will be magic, crazy fights, romance, manipulation, betrayal, etc.

This is my idea for a fantasy novel.

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